Frivolous Friday! Spiders & Spooky Ideas

It’s Frivolous Friday!

Thought I would share some of the fun I squeezed in this week (in between all my portrait sessions and retouching work.)

Yep, this happened #1:

One of my favorite parts of fall is walking through a hundred spider webs stretched across the trail and creeping-out every single time….okay kidding on that, but I DO love seeing all the dewy cobwebs during my morning strolls

And how cute is this itty bitty – but still AMAZING – spider web inside a square of chain link fence? (The entire web is only about two inches across!)

Autumn is THE BEST spider watching season because the morning dew makes cobwebs magical


Check out this video I captured  

I spotted this little beauty on my walk – this is an Orb Weaver Spider.

Speaking of a walk – look how many spider webs were visible in the grass after a nice sprinkling of dew!

Yep, this happened #2:

Had an up close encounter with a tarantula!

A friend called to tell me a Tarantula was walking across her backyard and would I want to photograph it.

OF COURSE!  I grabbed my camera and my LONG ZOOM lens (so I didn’t have to get too close…because EEK!) And headed to her house!

These spiders sure are beautiful in a spooky kind of way.

Did you know Tarantulas are harmless to humans (except for a painful bite) and their mild venom is weaker than a typical bee’s….?

Insects are their main prey, but they also target bigger game,  including frogs,  toads, and mice.

A tarantula doesn’t use a web to ensnare prey, though it may spin a trip wire to signal an alert when something approaches its burrow.

These spiders grab with their appendages, inject paralyzing venom, and dispatch their unfortunate victims with their fangs.

They also secrete digestive enzymes to liquefy their victims’ bodies so that they can suck them up through their straw-like mouth openings.

After a large meal, the tarantula may not need to eat for a month.

I hope that didn’t just gross you out so much you won’t eat for a month….oopsies….

Just beware of the giant spiders….!

Yep, this happened #3:

I have two not-so-spooky crafts for you – the first one is to use a sharpie to make a tangerine smile!

I like to tuck this in my hubby’s lunch….you KNOW how much I love to make his eyes roll….hee hee

And maybe you’ll also get an eye roll from your husband when you serve him a spooky quesadilla for lunch?

Always keep ’em guessing….lol

What can I say:  I’m Feeling Blessed!

And do you know what else I’m blessed by?     Capturing amazing moments for you to treasure for a lifetime!


As a photographer it is my great joy to capture Family and Senior PortraitsEngagementWeddings and MORE that are as special and unique as you are –

sessions are an hour long with unlimited poses, unlimited outfits, unlimited fun!


Please VISIT MY WEBSITE for more information or

EMAIL ME with questions or to schedule

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I’m waiting to hear from you – 

to capture a slice of YOUR sweet life!


I am a full time professional photographer based in San Diego, but will travel anywhere for weddings.

Serving San Diego, Poway, Scripps Ranch, La Jolla, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, 4-S Ranch, Penasquitos, Rancho Bernardo, Outdoor Family, Child, High School Senior, Family Reunion, Newborn,

Engagement,  Couples,  Best, Fun Senior Portraits, Family Reunion, Beach Portrait Shoot, Park Portrait shoot, Balboa Park , Wedding photographer

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